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What is 5 star Ratings on the Trainer and Horse Directories?
When Farms and Trainers sign up to advertise on our platform they have to option to submit 3-5 reviews/references as to their services provided. We then give them the 5 star rating. Our goal is to direct new buyers to farms and trainers with a positive reputation.
Look for the 5 Star Rating Graphic on the listings.

How do you get listed on the Directories as a Farm or Trainer? How to get Started?
To get Started & Listed, check out our Service page and purchase what you are looking to advertise. Farms & Trainers are ONE-year listings. Then please send any pictures, videos, contact info, Bio information and if you want the 5-star Rating, please include 3-5 review/references. Our goal is in the BIO you can tell your story, so everyone gets to know you. Then We will then design your page on our website & begin sharing it in our PGVC & M Facebook Group.
Stallion Services...How do I list my Stallion? What is needed? What is the benefit?
When advertising your Stallion on our Stallion Showcase, As the Owner you will still approve mares, obtain money and contracts just as you would without advertising with us. BUT the Showcase is designed to have many Stallions and ALL their info listed in one place. To make it easy for Mare Owners to find who is standing, where they are standing, how, cost and if the Stallion compliments the mare. We do hope to see conformation shots, video showing movement in all gaits and showing temperament for each Stallion Profile. As far as benefits as a Stallion Owners......we want to limit Tire Kickers asking the same questions over and over. Just Send them the link to your Stallions Profile. Then On our End--We advertise our Stallion Showcase in the Facebook groups on all the post from Mare owners looking and also on our Socials.
Horses for Sale....How to get started?
We offer multiple options for Horse Sales.
1)Owners/Sellers may purchase a 3-month listing then send us Pictures, Video, Contact information and as Much info as possible on the horse. We then create their ad. All interested parties will contact the Owner/Seller and purchase as they normally would like off Facebook, Dream Horse or Equine Now.
2)Our Consignment Service--If the Owner does not wish to sell themselves, we do offer consignment Services via a Monthly list amount or by percentage of the sale when the horse sells. Depending on the situation and wishes of the Owner.
3) Other Consignment Services or Breeders can also utilize our platform for listing as an owner would, but the contact information goes to the consigning person think of Dream Horse or Equine Now. Owner contracts with Consigner. Consigner then list the horse on whatever platform they wish, then they handle all parts of the sale. Utilizing PGVC & M as just the advertising platform. Again, we are in Facebook groups directing people to our platform.
Please note: Discounts apply to Consigners and Breeders who list multiple Horses.
Team work makes the Dream Work!
What is the purpose of the facebook group? Can I post my pictures?
The GROUP is for everyone who wants to view the listings before the Public.
For those people who buy listings, they become MEMBERS/CLIENTS of our website. As we are gathering information on each listing from our CLIENTS, we will share info in the group for GROUP viewing. We will also be sharing updates from our MEMBERS/CLIENTS.
The goal is WE are sharing info in the group due to our Vetting process when we list horses!
If you would like to see your horses pictures on our website or on our group page, Please pick your service, become a CLIENT & lets get started, We would love to have you!
We are currently working on creating a FULL comprehensive FAQ section & Testimonials to address all your queries and concerns. Here is a start but more to come. Please check back soon for updates. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

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